

where did the names come from?

Butter gives out most of our nicknames. She's a silly girl.

Guys got her name because that is what Butter calls her. It tooks us awhile to figure out that when I yell "Guys, come here" she is always the first (sometimes the only) one that comes. What a good listener Guys is! So Butter thought her name was Guys. This makes me laugh. Guys doesn't mind it, too much.

Boy is Boy because he's really a boy and he was the only boy for a few years...

Sis or Peanut is quite smallish.

Butter was breech, butt down to be exact, so her birth caused a bit of a problem. And she goes nicely with Peanut.

We aren't sure where Butter got the name Pops, but that is what she calls her little brother. I call him Bird, and when he is fussing he is also know as Drumpy Doo (Grumpy Gills, spoken by a 2 year old)

and if you forget who is who, check out our profile for a brief explination...


  1. Ok, I had heard the other ones, but "Guys" cracks me up! :D

  2. she said "mom, please don't call me that when I am grown up" hahhaha. Love it!


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