

"Do I look bigger to you, Mama?"

That is how my sweet little Peanut greeted me the morning after her 5th birthday. Moments like this make me smile from deep inside my heart! She turned 5, so she must be bigger, right? What a doll!

we started the day off by making pancakes at her request. Banana walnut, yum!
Then a gift, of course!I think having big brother play tea party with her was a gift in itself! (He asked me to please not post this picture, I reminded him that it just shows what a wonderful big brother he is!)then some more gifts!for lunch her request was a peanut butter and jelly picnic by the lake with extra bread to feed the ducks. That was easy!

She really wanted a doll that looked like her. She named her Cordelia Faith. Where does she come up with this stuff?
Peanut is (one of) my "have a big party with everyone I know wearing dress up clothes, with fancy napkins, balloons and matching cupcakes" kind of girl, so this was a mellow year for her.

Her final gift was a pink princess big girl Bible with sparkles and diamonds on it. She has been asking for her own Bible for some time now. We wrote a special verse and prayer for her and read from her new Bible for bedtime.

Peanut was quite pleased with her birthday even if we didn't have balloons with matching napkins. She really loved all the attention and her of course, her gifts. I just hope she knows what a special gift she is to us, she is a sparkle in our lives.

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