

Conversations with Pops

A recent conversation with my 2.5 year old went something like this:

Pops: Mom, say ~Pops, what are you doing?
Me: What are you doing?
Pops: No, say ~Pops, what are you doing?
Me: Ohhh, Pops, what are you doing?
Pops: Watching the Lone Ranger.

Pops, watching The Lone Ranger

Me: Ok.  Pops, what are you wearing?
Pops: No, say Lone Ranger, what are you wearing?
Me: So you are the Lone Ranger now? Ok, Lone Ranger what are you wearing?
Pops: Uh, a gurl hat, underwares, and cowboy boots.
Me: Are you a girl?
Pops: No!
Me: Why are you wearing a girl hat?
Pops: A cowboy needs a hat!
Me: And where are your pants?
Pops: Cowboys don't need pants.
Me: oh, ok.
Pops: Say oh, ok Lone Ranger.

Pops, riding his "horse."

So particular!  Jeesh, this kid cracks me up!


  1. I would love to make you another bag. I actually have that fabric in the pinkish/red color. And thank you for your sweet encouragement and compliments! It means a lot to me. If you want, you can mail me that aqua fabric, and I will pick something to go with it. The bag needs 1 yard for the outside, and 1 yard for the inside. Just let me know girl, and yall have a beautiful day!

  2. You know we miss you guys.
    And Pops is adorable.


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