

My family makes me proud!

Wednesday night we puked a cumulative total of about 78 times and never missed the bucket.  What an accomplishment!

I will share with you how there were children sleeping on my bedroom and bathroom floor.  Each had a bucket and a towel that I had to try not to trip over on my way to the bathroom. I am sure it will eventually be funny to me, that Butter cheerfully asked a billion questions after every time she threw up, and if Pops even flinched she was shoving his bucket in his face screaming "don't miss the bucket Poppy!"   I am pretty sure I lost 8 pounds.  And ripped some of my nonexistent stomach muscles.  I will spare you the rest of the details.

I hope we never, ever experience that again.


  1. Oh my goodness. That is bad. Stomach virus days have to be the least favorite days I have ever had. They are no fun at all. I'm glad you got it over before the new little one arrives!

  2. Only you can make something so sad and awful into something humorous and inspiring :)
    Love you guys!


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